Jennifer Reif

Jennifer Reif

City Coordinator

I am a neuroscientist and PhD candidate with a passion for unravelling the mechanisms underlying mental illnesses. Bringing science closer to people is a very important task to me, which is why I want to bring Pint of Science to Ulm in 2025. Also why miss an opportunity to have a pint with interesti...

Katrin Volbracht

Katrin Volbracht

Deputy City Coordinator

I’m a neuroscientist and fascinated by the so-called glial cells – a rather understudied group of cells in our brain which play an important role in both health and disease. I enjoy teaching and scientific discussions. During my PhD in the UK, I enjoyed the Pint of Science festival as part of the au...

Ester Nespoli

Ester Nespoli

Event Manager

Scientist and Science enthusiast. Think that science is boring? Let me prove you wrong!